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Coactive Leads Standardization Effort for LonTalk/IP Routers

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 20, 1997 -- Coactive Networks, Inc. today announced that it will lead a standardization effort for LonTalk/IP routers. There is a growing use of IP networks such as the Internet in connecting LonWorks device networks to each other and to the enterprise. LonTalk/IP routers allow the use of IP networks as a transport layer to link LonTalk segments. Standardization will allow interoperability of LonTalk/IP router devices from multiple vendors, thus simplifying integration or retrofit of large systems and providing customers with more options.

The standardization effort will be conducted within the LonMark organization, an open industry forum for defining and maintaining LonWorks interoperability standards. The LonTalk/IP standards effort is open to both equipment vendors and users to ensure that all requirements and technical aspects are considered. The scope of the effort will include LonTalk packet encoding, tunneling IP protocols, configuration, and routing functionality. The initial meeting of the standards group is scheduled for May 22, 1997 at the LonUsers International conference in Santa Clara, CA.

"Coactive is committed to developing and supporting standards-based open solutions in our product line," said Ed Koch, CTO of Coactive and chair of the standardization effort. "We are proud to lead the LonTalk/IP router standardization effort and feel this is an important step forward for the industry."

Coactive Networks has pioneered the area of LonTalk/IP connectivity and is a leading provider of open solutions for connecting device networks, such as LonWorks, to enterprise networks and the Internet. The company offers a full line of routers, servers, and gateways for creating powerful next-generation applications. Detailed information on Coactive products, news announcements, seminars, training, and support is available on the World Wide Web at

Additional information on the LonTalk/IP router standardization effort can be obtained from LonMark on the Internet at, and from Ed Koch at or 415/289-1722.

Coactive, the Coactive logo, and WebIO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Coactive Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


Coactive Networks, Inc.
Adam Marsh
(415) 289-1722





