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Sensel AB, Formed by Swedish Electric Utility and Industry Leader Vattenfall, to Deliver Value Added Customer Services Based Upon Coactive Connector Product Family
Valued at US$22 million, phase one of the two-year contract encompasses an aggressive roll-out across Sweden starting as early as November 1999. Deployment is planned for over 400,000 customers during the next two years. Under the terms of the agreement, Coactive will supply Sensel with the highly scalable Coactive Connector® solution to deploy multiple telemetry services to residential customers, small and medium size businesses, and industrial customers across the Nordic countries. "We are excited about the opportunity to work with Sensel in building this integrated e-solution network. The nature of this contract supports Coactives position as the premier supplier of connectivity to control systems," said David Gaw, president of Coactive Networks. "This agreement demonstrates our capability to provide cost-effective, scalable solutions for offering added-value e-services to commercial and residential customers." "Sensel is very pleased to be working with Coactive on such a large project involving cutting-edge technology. We feel it is a validation, not only for our business plan, but also for the business case for offering added value e-services in the marketplace," stated Björn Häggquist, managing director of Sensel.
The Coactive Connector product family connects control systems, appliances, and other devices to Internet applications, enabling access from anywhere on a network and bringing a new level of sophistication to control data representation. The Coactive Connector incorporates the patent-pending distributed object technology of Coactives IOConnect Architecture, providing the reliability, scalability, and manageability required for complex and mission-critical control systems. Adherence to open protocols provides broad access to control systems while leveraging existing data networking infrastructures.
Coactive Networks is a leading provider of open solutions for connecting control systems to enterprise networks and the Internet. The company offers a full line of routers, thin servers, and gateways for creating powerful next-generation applications, and is the market leader in providing connectivity solutions for the EIA-709 (LONWORKS®) standard, the leading control technology. Coactive is a privately held corporation based in Sausalito, CA. Detailed information on Coactive products, news announcements, seminars, training, and support is available on the World Wide Web at
Coactive, the Coactive Logo, Coactive Connector, Router-LE, Router-LL, and IOConnect Architecture are trademarks or registered trademarks of Coactive Networks, Inc. in the US and other countries. LONWORKS is a trademark of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Sonia Gómez Laura Wagner