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The building controls industry is now undergoing an exciting shift towards open, interoperable solutions. The leading networking standard in this shift is the LonMark standard, based on LonWorks control network technology and administered by the LonMark Interoperability Association. LonMark is the de facto standard for building control systems, with vendors representing 70 percent of the building controls marketplace worldwide active in the LonMark Association, and most major players having announced LonWorks based products.

One of the attractions of LonMark standard is the integration of historically disparate systems such as lighting and HVAC into a coherent system architecture. LonMark does a good job of achieving this integration at the device level, but customers want more. Customers want a complete integration between the LonWorks network and the local- and wide-area network infrastructure present on the building or campus. Coactive's standard connectivity solutions provide this integration with a complete, open, distributed architecture that can save thousands of dollars over custom or application-specific solutions. Functionalities enabled by Coactive's solutions include:

  • access to the LonWorks network from any computer on the LAN/WAN
  • linking of separate LonWorks networks across the BAS (e.g., linking HVAC networks in separate buildings across a school campus)
  • remote access from the Internet (e.g., to support remote diagnostics and monitoring)
  • reliable, embedded connectivity solutions that avoid the cost and performance bottlenecks of a PC

In addition to these system features, Coactive's products embody the expertise and experience of first-to-market innovators who are on familiar ground in the world of enterprise networking. By choosing Coactive products, you can be sure that your building control system will meet with acceptance from IS professionals and network administrators, smoothing installation and delivering the full power of the network infrastructure to your application.

System Provider Partners

Coactive's System Provider Partners include the industry's leading building controls vendors. These vendors have Internet-enabled their system offerings by offering Coactive's connectivity as an integrated part of the system.

System Provider Partners' Logos

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A Complete Suite of Solutions

It is important to realize that no single solution can completely address LonWorks connectivity to the LAN/WAN. Different application requirements demand different technical approaches. Coactive's IOConnect Architecture provides a framework under which these different approaches attain a unified set of benefits in reliability, scalability, and performance.

Click here for more information on Coactive's IOConnect Architecture.

Router-LL Ethernet Backbone Router

The Coactive Router-LL provides a powerful and flexible solution to Ethernet connectivity in your LonMark building automation system. The Router-LL allows multiple LonWorks subnetworks to all intercommunicate with each other across an Ethernet backbone. Good examples of LonWorks subnets are floors in a building or separate buildings on a campus.

Router-LL Diagram

The Router-LL is the most general solution for LonMark connectivity to Ethernet. The Router-LL functions equivalently to a standard LonWorks router between two physical media (e.g. FTT-10 to TPT/XF-1250), with configuration options including repeater, bridge, learning router, or configured router. The Ethernet network is viewed as an alternate LonWorks media. The Router-LL is also capable of routing BACnet across Ethernet, when BACnet is implemented with LonTalk as the base protocol.

Typical uses of the Router-LL in building automation systems include:

  • connecting building floor networks via an Ethernet backbone
  • connecting buildings across a campus using the campus LAN
  • connecting add-on subsystems to legacy building systems
  • connecting multiple branch or substation facilities together

Click here for more information on the Router-LL.

Router-LE Remote Network Interface

The Coactive Router-LE provides a cost-effective and easily installed solution for connecting the facilities management workstation to the BAS across Ethernet. The Router-LE replaces a serial or modem connection such as an SLTA with flexible remote Ethernet connectivity to the LonWorks network from anywhere on the local- or wide-area network.

Router-LE Diagram

The Router-LE is the ideal solution for gaining access to the LonMark BAS from anywhere on the local- or wide-area network. The Router-LE operates like a standard LonWorks interface, so facilities management software can connect across Ethernet without modification. Advanced features provide compatibility with management applications designed to function with single or multiple SLTAs. The Router-LE can be installedin any convenient location where the LonMark network and Ethernet network physically meet, allowing total flexibility in determining or changing the location of the facilities management workstation. In addition, the Router-LE allows management applications written for non-PC platforms (e.g., UNIX, MacOS) to access the LonWorks network using the Router-LE driver porting kit.

Typical uses of the Router-LE in building automation systems include:

  • managing building automation systems from a workstation across Ethernet
  • connecting buildings across a campus to a central management workstation
  • providing remote BAS management using standard WAN remote access
  • enabling access to LonMark building systems from non-PC workstations

Click here for more information on the Router-LE.

Case Studies

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