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Retail Branch Telemetry Solutions

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Retail chains, including supermarkets, hotels, gas stations, and discount stores, have established WANs connecting stores for critical point-of-sale (POS) information and other internal communications. Each store also houses multiple control systems such as store security, energy management, and equipment monitoring (e.g., refrigerators).

IP LAN and WAN technology is advanced in the retail market, with reliability and speed critical in addressing POS transactions. The network convergence concept is also well understood in this market, and Coactive extends this concept to include access to control systems over the WAN, presenting retailers and service providers with compelling cost savings and enhanced functionalities. In particular, Coactive enables access to store control data concerning:

  • energy usage and management
  • security system alarms
  • fire and life-safety system monitoring
  • industrial equipment health and status
  • refrigerator and chiller temperatures and other regulatory monitoring

A Complete Suite of Solutions

It is important to realize that no single solution can completely address store control system connectivity to the LAN/WAN. Different application requirements demand different technical approaches. Coactive's IOConnect Architecture provides a framework under which these different approaches attain a unified set of benefits in reliability, scalability, and performance.

Click here for more information on Coactive's IOConnect Architecture.


Router-LL Ethernet Backbone Router

The Coactive Router-LL provides a powerful and flexible solution to in-store control system integration using the existing Ethernet store LAN. The Router-LL allows multiple LonWorks-based control subsystems to all intercommunicate with each other across an Ethernet backbone. Good examples of this approach are interconnecting submetered areas together, or integrating access to the HVAC and Security system.

Router-LL Diagram

The Router-LL is the most general solution for LonWorks connectivity to Ethernet. The Router-LL functions equivalently to a standard LonWorks router between two physical media (e.g., FTT-10 to TPT/XF-1250), with configuration options including repeater, bridge, learning router, or configured router. The Ethernet network is viewed as an alternate LonWorks media.

Click here for more information on the Router-LL.


Router-LE Remote Access Interface

The Coactive Router-LE provides a cost-effective and easily installed solution for connecting a central monitoring workstation to multiple store control systems across the retail WAN. The Router-LE replaces a serial or modem connection such as an SLTA with flexible remote IP connectivity to the LonWorks network from anywhere on the local- or wide-area network.

Router-LE Diagram

The Router-LE is the ideal solution for gaining central access to the control systems in every store over the wide-area network. The Router-LE can be installed in any convenient location where the LonWorks network and in-store Ethernet LAN physically meet. In addition, the Router-LE allows applications written for non-PC platforms (e.g. UNIX, MacOS) to access the LonWorks network using the Router-LE driver porting kit.

Click here for more information on the Router-LE.





