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SAUSALITO, Calif., October 5, 1998 -- Coactive Networks, a leading provider of open solutions for connecting control systems to enterprise networks and the Internet, today announced the formation of a Technical Advisory Board. The Technical Advisory Board consists of external technical experts and senior executives who provide Coactives executive management with key advice on deployment strategies, and challenges and new opportunities for control network connectivity. The charter of the Coactive Technical Advisory Board is to assist and enhance Coactives senior management in making decisions which will shape the future of connectivity between control and IP networks through the exchange of ideas, analysis of technology and insight from various business segments. The board also serves to provide Coactive with external perspectives to aid the management team in developing innovative strategies to expand Coactives technology into new applications and capabilities. The networking environment is fundamentally changing with advances in control and data networking technology that make a host of new applications affordable and practical for the first time, said David Gaw, president of Coactive. Coactives Technical Advisory Board is chartered with helping us define the direction of these new applications and outlining the technology innovation that will be required to support them, added Gaw. The board provides a diversity of technical expertise and perspective from various business segments which parallel the focus and future direction of Coactive. Coactive Technical Advisory Board members include:
The changing nature of networking technology, specifically the connection of control systems to IP networks, is leading the development of diverse applications that can add efficiencies and reduce costs across industries, said Coactive Technical Advisory Board member Stephen Dukes.
Coactive Networks is a leading provider of open solutions for connecting control systems to enterprise networks and the Internet. The company offers a full line of routers, servers, and gateways for creating powerful next-generation applications, and is the market leader in providing connectivity solutions for LonWorks, the leading control network. Coactive is a privately held corporation based in Sausalito, California. Detailed information on Coactive products, news announcements, seminars, training, and support is available on the World Wide Web at
Coactive, the Coactive Logo, WebIO, Router-LE, Router-LL, and IOConnect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Coactive Networks, Inc. in the US and other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Annie Grace Sonia Gómez